Do You Need a Diet to "Balance Your Hormones"?
The truth about “hormone-balancing” diets and midlife changes
This post is from my previous newsletter, Food Psych Weekly.
This week’s question is from a reader named Tracy F., who writes:
I’m wondering about hormonal issues and intuitive eating. I’ve been trying to eat intuitively for the last few months and currently I’m 47 and dealing with migraines, heavy and erratic periods, along with bloating and hot flashes. I have a history of exercise addiction and orthorexia, but I’ve worked through a lot of that in therapy. My gynecologist suggests progesterone-only pills, but I don’t want any more pills. I’ve already been on and off the pill too many times. The “answer” out in the world now seems to be that in order to balance my hormones, I must eat all Whole Foods and exercise moderately. I’m wondering about the data to support hormones and diet playing a role. I want to be able to listen to my body and eat what feels good and not have to adhere to any strict rules. Is this just the “wellness” world creating more dogma around hormonal health? I’m so confused and not even sure what to do anymore. Please help. Do I really need to stop gluten and dairy and sugar in order to regulate my hormones? Signed, confused and hormonal. Thanks!