Do You Really Need to Worry About Your Blood Glucose?
My take on the trend of glucose monitoring for people without diabetes, and why obsessing over glucose is risky for all of us
This post is from my previous newsletter, Food Psych Weekly.
The question is from a reader named Emma, and a quick content note that this contains the name of a particular diet influencer and details about her program. Emma writes:
Dear Christy,
First, thank you so much for everything you do, in the past few years you've really helped me recover from disordered eating. I was diagnosed with anorexia in my early 30s and after about 6 years I feel almost fully recovered.
My question is about the glucose goddess. You may have come across her book or Instagram account. She recommends eating foods in a certain order, and not eating certain foods for breakfast, to prevent glucose spikes for normal people but also to cure people of PCOS etc. I often ignore these types of advice because of my background, but I heard her on the radio being interviewed and what she said seems to have soaked into my psyche. I have PCOS and am trying to get pregnant, and now find myself worrying everytime I have a fruit-based breakfast or don't eat food in the right order.
My question is, do you know if what she says is actually based in evidence and applicable to most people? Are glucose spikes that bad that we must avoid them at all costs?