Sitemap - 2023 - Rethinking Wellness

Weight Loss and Wellness, and Differences in Our Perceptions of Risk

Holiday Grab Bag

Questioning Science with Nuance, and Thinking Critically While Still Enjoying "Woo-Woo" Things with Amelia Hruby

Digital Well-Being and Leaving Social Media with Amelia Hruby

Hair Analysis, DUTCH Testing, and Heavy Metals in Chocolate

Bonus: How the Wellness Industry Is Shifting to Stay Ahead of Consumer Skepticism with Rina Raphael

How the Media Treats Wellness Trends Like Fashion with Rina Raphael

Does Gut Health Really Matter for Your Mental Health?

Bonus: How Media and Social Media Fan the Flames of Anti-Sugar Discourse

Why Sugar Isn't As Bad As You've Been Told with Karen Throsby

Death, Candy, and Food Additives: A November 1 Grab Bag

Bonus: Author Pooja Lakshmin on How to Tune In to Your Inner Voice

Real Self-Care and Breaking Free from Wellness Culture with Pooja Lakshmin

Bonus: Can a Diet Really Help Solve Your Period Problems?

Can a Diet Really Help Solve Your Period Problems?

Bonus: Chronic Conditions and Acceptance, Plus: Is Alternative Medicine Safe for Recovery?

I Worked at an Alternative Medicine Clinic. Here's What I Want You to Know.

Does Nutrition Response Testing Work? Plus: Can a Diet Treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Bonus: Other People's Opinions, Rethinking Beauty Culture, and More with Helen Phelan-Guillemot

Loving Fitness While Hating Toxic Fitness Culture with Helen Phelan-Guillemot

How to Handle Bizarre Wellness Claims, Plus the Real Scoop on Seed Oils

Bonus: How Social Media and Wellness Culture Can Harm Your Well-Being with Ling Ling Huang

Wellness Culture and the Myth of "Natural" Beauty with Ling Ling Huang

How Do You Feel About "Natural" Beauty and Wellness?

Are "Natural" Products Really Better? Plus: The Truth About Toxic Mold

Bonus: How to Support a Loved One with Chronic Illness with Eliza Wheeler

How Disordered Eating Can Play Into Chronic Illness with Eliza Wheeler

Bonus: Friends in Wellness Culture, the Anti-Aging Trap, and More

Do You Really Need a Diet for Long Covid?

How Are You Rethinking Your Relationship with Social Media?

A Former Wellness Influencer Shares What It Was Really Like with Lee Tilghman

Bonus: Food and Farming without Wellness Culture, Mindful Eating without Dieting, and More

What You Should Know About Aspartame, SIBO

How Can You Be Skeptical of Diet Culture Without Falling for Conspiracy Theories?

"Food Noise" and Diet Drugs, Not Wanting Sweet Foods, and More

Challenging Conspiracy Theories and Embracing Science with Dr. Dan Wilson

Can You Prioritize Gut Health and Still Make Peace with Food?

How Do You Avoid Wellness Rabbit Holes?

Bonus Q&A: Supplements, Gluten, Autoimmune Diets, and More

Bonus: How to Avoid Wellness Rabbit Holes (and Get Out Quickly If You Fall In)

Why Rave Reviews of Wellness Diets Are Probably Wrong with Rennie Dyball

How AI Spreads Health Misinformation (and What You Can Do About It)

What Attracts You to Wellness—and What Makes You Want to Run Away?

Bonus: A Bogus Digestive Test, and a Doctor Who Claims a Diet Can Help Regrow Hair

Why Wellness Sells - the Benefits and Harms of Wellness Culture with Colleen Derkatch

Do Plant-Based Diets Really Cause These Common Problems?

New Thread: Your Thoughts About Wellness

Bonus: The Relationship Between Diet Culture & Wellness Culture, and How to Find a Supportive Anti-Diet Community

Cooking Without Wellness Rules and How Social Media Is Like Diet Culture with Julia Turshen

Can You Change Someone's Mind About Wellness?

Bonus: Spotting Wellness Red Flags, the Problem with Supplements, WELLNESS TRAP Behind the Scenes, and More

How to Fight Wellness Misinformation and Counter Conspiracy Theories with Seema Yasmin

How Do You Find Good Evidence for Wellness Claims?

As Seen on TV!

The Harms of Social Media, and Giving Up a Career as a Fitness Influencer with Mary Jelkovsky

Do You Really Need to Worry About Your Blood Glucose?

Bonus: Savala Nolan Interviews Christy for THE WELLNESS TRAP Book Launch

The Allure of Alternative Medicine and Parenting in the Age of Diet Culture with Virginia Sole-Smith

Bonus: The History of Wellness Culture, and Ways Out of The Wellness Trap

The Wellness Trap with Christy Harrison and Katie Dalebout

Why Is My New Book About Wellness?

The Wellness to Woo Pipeline, and the Kids in the Long Shadow of Clean Eating with Laura Thomas

The Problems with "Natural" Wellness with Alan Levinovitz

Wellness Culture and Infertility, the Challenges of Baby Feeding, and Unpacking Food Sensitivities with Jenee Desmond-Harris

Health Anxiety, Wellness Misinformation, and Media Literacy with Casey Gueren

Fitness Culture with Natalia Mehlman Petrzela

Trailer: Rethinking Wellness

The Truth About Diet Drugs, Part 2

What Can We Learn from Mindless Eating?

The Truth About Intermittent Fasting

Can a Health Professional Do Lifestyle Medicine and Still Be Anti-Diet?